Scie à chaîne sans cordon et sans balai M18 FUEL 18 V lithium-ion, 16" (outil seul)
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Scie à chaîne sans cordon et sans balai M18 FUEL 18 V lithium-ion, 16" (outil seul)
La scie à chaine M18 FUEL de 16 po de Milwaukee fournit la puissance nécessaire pour couper le bois franc, couper plus rapidement qu'avec un moteur à essence et fournir jusqu'à 150 coupes par charge. L'outil est conçu pour répondre aux besoins de performance, de durabilité et d'ergonomie de l'entretien paysager professionnel, du secteur de l'électricité et de l'utilisateur du système M18. Le moteur sans balai POWERSTATE maintient la vitesse sous de lourdes charges sans s'enfoncer pour surpasser les petits moteurs à gaz et les systèmes à plus haute tension.
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• Moteur sans balai POWERSTATE : spécialement conçu pour la scie à chaîne M18 FUEL de 16 po pour fournir la puissance et le rendement d'un moteur à essence jusqu'à 40 cm³
• Technologie intelligente REDLINK Plus : assure un rendement optimal et une protection contre la surcharge afin de prévenir les dommages à l'outil ou au bloc-piles lors de l'utilisation intensive tout en restant compatible avec tous les outils du système M18
• Compatible avec tous les blocs-piles REDLITHIUM M18, optimisé pour une utilisation avec le bloc-piles M18 REDLITHIUM high output HD12.0 : offre 50 % plus de puissance et une production de chaleur réduite de 50 % par rapport aux blocs-piles REDLITHIUM HD standard. La construction de qualité supérieure fournit la meilleure protection sur le marché contre les conditions de chantier exceptionnelles.
• La tige double fournit un maintien accru du guide-chaîne et de la chaîne
• Huileur automatique pour une lubrification adéquate de la chaîne et une productivité accrue
• Rangement à bord pour le tournevis avec clé
• Gâchette à vitesse variable pour un contrôle total
• Compatible avec plus de 150 outils M18
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Wanting a smaller version
4 étoile(s) sur 5.
Good product.
il y a 5 ans
I use this saw both professionally and personally. Very satisfied with the power and the battery life. I use 12ah batteries. I hesitated for quite awhile to purchase because of its size and weight. I was hoping and continue to hope Milwaukee will come out with chain with a 10 to 12 inch bar. I have been in the landscape maintenance business for 30 years. We offer tree trimming on small to medium size trees, 25 to 30 foot or less. A 10 or 12 inch bar will suffice for 90 percent of the cutting we do.
Personally I burn 2 or 3 cords of Hedge every winter. This saw has no problems with cutting Hedge. I'm 56 years old and in good physical condition but after several hours of use this saw gets pretty heavy.
The saw performed better than expected. I have used electric chainsaws in past and they were not very good. This saw is easy to use, well balanced, and seems quite safe compared to a gas powered equivalent. I added chain oil and went to work right away! First job was pruning a cedar tree in back yard, it handled the task perfectly and didn't hardly touch the battery capacity. Keep the chain sharp, avoid dirt and it will cut just fine. Let it do the cutting. If you are not familiar with proper chain sharpening technique, reach out to someone "in the know" ie. Logger.
In My Opinion; I don't think this chain saw is worth the price!
At best, this is a medium duty saw! It lacks enough power,
And the chain and bar combo lack quality and toughness!
(If it is 'Oregon', it is their bottom line)
This saw maybe best used for for trimming, cutting logs for splitting, or carving.
I used it to fell a 25' hard maple tree and stump. I found the blade dulled quick and the bar heated up and loosened up. I did notice that the chain has a ripple in it as you look at the top of the bar while cutting. Chain was adjusted according to the directions.
We bought this to do light duty work on our property, as well as to clear the occaisional downed tree on the way there and back. My friend who is a big FUEL fan recommended Milwaukee- though he uses a Harbor Freight electric chainsaw (which seems more robust to me). In terms of performance, it's fine for light duty work, but after owning it for a year I realize it lacks durability and I will be buying something more substantial. It has a light duty bar and system that secures it. Yeah it leaks a little oil when it sets but this is pretty typical of chainsaws. It's too bad it's light duty, because aside from that, it cuts quickly. Hopefully Milwaukee offers a more robust product and maybe an option to upgrade.
I have several trees on my property. I have been removing some and trimming others. I bought the Milwaukee so that I could standardize on one set of batteries and chargers. The motor has plenty of power. The first time it threw the chain I thought that maybe I had let it get loose. Reinstalled and it threw the chain again a short time later. I have since had to reinstall the chain 9 or 10 times. The bar is very thin and allows you to flex it to easily. I have an 80v Kobalt that has been trouble free. I just dulled the chain on it from use. I have never thrown the chain.
I bought this because I own a large property with almost 2 miles of logging roads through it. I get a lot of blow downs every year that's blocks the roads and trails and its always such a pain to have to mix gas then try to get the big saws started after they have been sitting for months just to delimb a tree or make a few cuts to open up the roads. I got the opportunity to use it just this past week when a cold front came through and snapped a top off a tree and blocked my main road half way back on the property. This saw worked perfectly. I brought 2 6ah batteries and 1 8ah and I went through one 6 and part of another to delimb this tree and make a few cuts through the main part of the tree to move it off the trail.
I've always hated gas-powered chain saws; they work great, but are a nuisance to maintain. I was a little skeptical about how well a battery-powered one would work, but after using it several times, I can honestly say it works great - every bit as well as my gas-powered high-end saw. While much of my trimming has been on 6" diameter or smaller trees/limbs, the saw had no trouble tackling a few 18" diameter trees. Easy to use, cuts great, and unlike some reviews I read, I have had zero issues with the chain coming off the bar. Great product - I recommend highly!
I took this into the ditch down the road where neighbors had about 11 ash trees felled. My dad, good friend, and sister came with, and we had about 4 chainsaws between us (Stihl, craftsman [before china], and husqvarna as well as my milwaukee). This kept up with every one of them, and was a heck of a lot more fun. Cuts just as quick as the big boys, and doesn't have to be started every time you turn it off like the gas powered saws. Can't say enough good things about this. Only drawdown is the lack of ability to put an 18" blade on it... that would be awesome.
I have the M12 6 inch saw that I have been using on the trails with my atv but when my Stihl chainsaw bit the dust I decided to try one of the Milwaukee 16 inch chainsaws. This thing goes way beyond my expectations of an electric saw and I believe it would out perform my Stihl when it was new. All that power and with the hassle of mixing gas and oil and carburetor problems and so on. Pair it up with the 12amp hour battery that comes in the kit and you will be tired of cutting before that battery dies. Would 100% recommend this to anyone considering a new chainsaw.
I bought this saw on the recommendations of friends and family members who have the same saw.
Directly compared it with my Stihl gas powered chain saw, The chain is more aggressive, much less likely of kick back and I have yet to find the end one charged battery although I bucked up two entire trees with it. the Saw runs as long as the Stihl will run without stopping for a fuel up. The Milwaukee is lighter, safer and lower maintenance The chain is maintaining it`s edge very well, and bar tension isn`t creeping, which is a huge bonus while out clearing deadfall.
this saw exceeded our expectations. used for cutting sprouts and small trees grown up along fences and the like it works like we hoped it would. Used to the gas powered saw would have to be started and shut off repeatedly or set down and let idle after cutting a few trees then applying stump herbicide. It can cut firewood effectively but little advantage there over using a gas power saw. I wish the bar oil reservoir had about 1/3 more than it does and of course we all wish the batteries could be a little cheaper but you can cut a surprising amount on one charge.
I have tons of Milwaukee tools and have rarely had a problem with them. After almost pulling my arm off trying to start my gas chainsaw I thought I would give the Milwaukee M18 chainsaw a try. It works awesome! I cut down some poplar trees with it
and then cut the trees up into 16” chunks. The trees were about 12” diameter at the trunk. I had one issue with the saw in that the gear at the end of the bar got jammed with shredded wood. I took the chain off and picked the stuff out of it with a dental pick (great tool!) and then put a little oil into the tiny hole on the bar. It never happened again. The other thing I liked about the saw was the impressive power, and also I didn’t reek like a 2 stroke motor when I was done!
Milwaukee really should not have brought this to market. It uses way too much bar oil, even when using heavy bar oil. It will run dry of oil before the battery is used up. Then the tool itself is an absolute mess, I could see this being a future lawsuit for Milwaukee, should someone get hurt as a resuly, no reason to get that messy, no reason at all. Thirdly, it then drips oil everywhere. It has stained my work area, driveway, garage pad, my work table, my UTV, my clothes, etc...Seems like environment folk might want to get on this thing.I don't know how this got to market, but can't see it being in the lineup for long unless Milwaukee owns up, and fixes. I wish I could be compensated for the damage to my personal property.
I was a little hesitant to buy this saw as I’ve only ever used gas. Now I don’t cut near as much as I used to and I absolutely love this thing. I can take down a full 16” Texas mesquite down to firewood and brush for burning on one 8ah battery. I just got a 12ah so I expect it to last even longer. I will never buy another gas saw. I can pick this up and it “starts” every time. No pulling a strings and adjusting carburetors for hours and leaky chain saws. I am beyond impressed. People who claim the chain falls off a lot are putting to much pressure on the blade.
We live on 120 forested acres and my 70 year old wife is a certified "Master Woodland Manager". Advancing age has made it increasingly difficult for her to start a conventional gasoline chainsaw. I bought her the new 16" Milwaukee for Christmas and she is tickled pink with it. Milwaukee advertises this saw as equal in performance to a gasoline saw. This is absolutely true! The power is great and battery life is surprisingly good. The battery life is in harmony with the capacity of the bar oil tank. Being able to just "pull the trigger" and start sawing is really great. The saw seems to be very robust and well made. No gas / oil to mix, no fumes, no vibration and very little noise. Would buy this again in a heartbeat.
It is great for a little saw. I've actually cut through some thick oak trees with it. Biggest branch was 26 inches in diameter and it could probably cut almost 30 inch diameter trees or branches. I have another one that I've had for over a year and I'm pretty impressed with its capabilities. Wish it had higher rpm, a thicker chain and a longer bar. Look forward to the day when these saws can compete with saws like my Stihl ms660. Would love to see a 20 inch bar and higher rpms. No yanking cords or inhaling exhaust fumes. Pick it up and pull the trigger. Love it
I purchased this because I was just flat out weary of the constant maintenance, adjustment, noise and fiddling to start of a gas powered unit. It has every bit as much power as my 40cc gas unit with none of the aforementioned troubles.
Battery life is good but not great but it's simpler to switch out a battery than it is to mix 2 stroke mix, transport a can of it, etc etc.
The chain oiler works just fine and spare chains can be purchased either from Milwaukee or third party.
Overall it's fast, fairly light, reasonably quiet and gets the job done.
I was skeptical but it was a Milwaukee. Wood is my only heat in my house and I live in Colorado not someplace warm. I am impressed completely with the performance with a 12.0 battery I ran it hard for four hours through hardwood up to 18 inches across. Only recommendation other then the 12.0 battery is get yourself a good blade. The one that comes with it cut well but broke a few teeth off and I don’t think it’s worth sharpening (but I did buy and Oregon blade at same time so it’s all good). Definitely satisfied and feel I will get my moneys worth out of it
I have been using milwaukee cordless tools in my diesel shop for around 12 years now and thought id try some of the outdoor tools. I first purchased the trimmer with quick lock and then the leaf blower. Then decided to get the chain saw. Its awesome. Really suprised of how good it cuts. Ive cut logs over 16" in diameter with it. Of course ya gotta make 2 cuts to fully get through ot with the 1 6" bat but it handles the full load no problem. Doeant bog down just keeps digging in. Would def buy again. Have told all my friends about how good this saw does.
Tons of power and pretty good runtime on a 12 amp hour battery. What I like most is after using one 12 amp hour battery it's about time to refill your bar oil so it's easy to remember (one battery means one refill). I love the fact that the kickback break also disengages the trigger from operating so you can't damage the tool. I don't even have to use ear muffs anymore which I always thought was a little bit of a hazard because you couldn't hear anybody yelling to you over the sound of the chainsaw and with earmuffs. I go for this Milwaukee 16 inch over my Husqvarna 20inch on any tree trunks or branches under 16 inch's. Milwaukee will cut branches bigger than that but I don't have to double cut with my 20 inch bar. ( Saves me time)
The chainsaw itself works well on trees up to 15" diameter. Anything over that you should definitely buy Bigger because it will work quicker. But for a smaller chainsaw it has held up fairly well on decent size dead Ash trees. The chain is easy to tighten with a flat head screwdriver and the teeth on the chain have stayed sharp threw a couple trees now. Use ONLY the High Output Batteries! Invest in the 8ah High Output or bigger battery to get more run time. Overall for the size, it has great speed, durability and run time with an 8ah High Output Battery
I was not sure about buying this product as I had a very small project to use for it. However, I have loved all of the m18 products I have use in the past so I decided to go ahead and get it because I may use it in the future. This is the first chainsaw I have ever used and it was so easy that I have found my self using it for even smaller projects that I would have that a chainsaw was overkill for. Yes you could use something else but this chainsaw make it so much faster and easier. I am extremely happy I decided to get it and recommend it to anyone.
I am delighted with my new M18 FUEL 16 inch Chainsaw. It is powerful, quiet, cuts very smoothly and to my great surprise makes many cuts before the battery needs to be recharged. I just removed a good size tree in my back yard. It cut through the trunk of the tree very quickly. I do not have a lot of noise, and it is easy for me to hold and cut. As with any chainsaw I am always very careful. The oiler works very well. I would purchase this saw without hesitation again. I am very happy I bought this saw verses a gas saw. Perfect for my needs.
Saw works great. I am happy with it after cutting about a half cord so far it is nice not to hear the noise of a gas chainsaw. The only thing I hate is the fact that the chain keeps coming off. I have had to stop and put it back on at least 10 times now. I think the bar is too flexible or something. No other complaints and overall, very happy. This really needs to come with two batteries being a must and fill up with chainsaw oil on every battery change. Glad I had other batteries from other tools or I would have been upset waiting for a charge.
Motor and battery power this just fine. I do a lot of brush work, limbing and felling. Regardless of how often I check and tension of the chain, the chain will fall off one to three times per battery. I haven’t ever had a chain come off in 40 years of using Stihl, Partner, Echo and Jonsered saws. And to reattach chain, there is not enough length in the chain to drape the chain on to the bar. I have roll the chain with force over the tip sprocket. Have I got a bad bar and chain? Is there a 14” Oregon bar and chain with a rounder tip that will fit?
I was really interested in this chainsaw and had been researching it for quite a while. After finally purchasing it I am happy to say it did not disappoint. On a full charge on the 12 ah battery I was able to make about 45 cuts through seasoned fir log chunks ranging from 8 to 14 inches. This created 72 firewood rounds. There is a bit of chatter starting a cut on smaller branches but I think it is a result of the torque and chain speed. With a few charged batteries I don't think I would hesitate to toss this in the truck and run up in the woods.
We had a tree maybe 10" diameter fall near our pond. My gas chainsaw is a huge Husqvarna and very heavy. So I thought I would look into electric. This saw is a beast. Super sharp chain. Took less than 20 minutes to cut it up. Make some cuts and set the saw down. No idle, no wasted fuel, minimal noise. I ran an 8Ah battery and did more cutting. The battery died just before the saw ran out of bar oil. Perfect timing. I will need to pay more attention if using a 12Ah battery so I don't run out of oil first. This is going to be so handy on the farm.
I bought this one to do some side jobs and for some glamping trips. I already owned 12, and 9 amp hour battery. Its more powerful than i expected. Its fairly lightweight. Ive cut several 50ft trees down with no problem. The fact that its so quiet is so nice on many levels! I dont understand the negative reviews. I also own a gas powered saw, so the Milwaukee makes me feel that much more impressed. No mess of mixing gas, or carrying a gas can. No fumes, and almost no noise! Because of all that it makes it an awesome choice! Ive had it for two months and i use several times a week. I did buy an Oregon chain so i have a spare to keep going and not have to stop and sharpen. If you're thinking of buying one, do it! You'll be impressed as well!
Another Milwaukee Tool that lives up to it's name!
il y a 4 ans
I used the this saw cutting trees from 1 inch in diameter to 12 inch. Very impressed with how long the 12.0 battery lasted. Loved not having to deal with mixing gas and having to try to keep the saw running between cuts. I also got another 6.0 battery in the kit I purchased. It worked perfect why the 12.0 battery was recharging. I never had to be without a battery. I would buy the saw again and again. Milwaukee tools have never let me down. They might cost a little bit more. But they last a long long time and pay for there self in the long run!
I was a bit hesitant to buy this as I wasn’t sure if I would get enough use for the money. After receiving it as a gift, I have just started using it for my spring cleaning in the yard and it has yet to disappoint! I really enjoy having very little maintenance on this saw and not having to worry about mixing fuel. My only complaint would be that the 12.0 batteries are quite expensive if I were to buy a second one so at this point I haven’t purchased a spare. I’m looking forward to bringing this saw with me on my ATV for my trail riding.
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