Paint SICO Prestige - Semi-Gloss - Base 2 - 3.78 L
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947-502 3.78L
Paint SICO Prestige - Semi-Gloss - Base 2 - 3.78 L
100% Acrylic latex paint, Stain-Blocking, Paint & Primer, ideal for use on properly prepared, interior walls, ceilings, or trim composed of new or previously painted drywall, plaster, masonry, wood, and metal. True One-Coat Hide.
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147 out of 153 (96%) reviewers recommend this product
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Age55 to 64
5 out of 5 stars.
Sico Prestige Is Smooth Painting
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Sico Prestige Is smooth painting all the way. The paint itself was low in Oder and was easy to cleanup afterwards.
After prepping the wall for paint by patching and filling in holes, I brushed on Sico Prestige over those spots and cut in around the ceiling, windows and door frame.
After rolling the pain on the wall everything blended in perfectly. The coverage over the old paint was excellent and showed no sign of the darker paint underneath. When dry, the entire project look perfect.
Sico Prestige Is truly a superior paint product and I will use this again for all my projects.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
5 out of 5 stars.
Superbe qualité!
9 months ago
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] J'ai essayé la peinture SICO Prestige sur un mur dans le sous-sol. J'ai été agréablement surprise de la facilité avec laquelle je pouvais appliquer la peinture: celle-ci ne colle pas dans le pinceau, elle a une texture parfaite ce qui fait qu'elle n'est ni trop épaisse (et donc collante) et ni trop liquide. Elle couvre très, très bien dans le sens où effectivement, je n'ai eu qu'à mettre une couche de peinture pour couvrir celle qui était en dessous. À noter que la peinture déjà existante sur mon mur était d'un rouge très foncé et la couleur de la SICO Prestige était un gris assez pâle.
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I couldn’t be more impressed with this paint! When I realized I would only need a single coat of paint on our dry, single coated, builder paint walls I squealed in excitement. I immediately texted my family telling them how excited I was.
My dad helped me paint my daughter’s room and couldn’t stop raving about how the paint was going on his walls.
My family all agreed the paint was almost odourless and the coverage was the best we’ve used.
I have since made a point of telling anyone that brings up paint about this product and how it’s the only paint I will buy from now on.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
5 out of 5 stars.
Fantastic Coverage!
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Sico Prestige is a paint and primer in one that offers one coat coverage. I covered a darker colour and it still performed so well that one coat was enough. The paint goes on super smooth and it covers so well that I barely used any paint to get full coverage. One can will last through multiple paint projects. The quality of Sico Prestige will amaze you. It also barely has any odour making it a great choice for indoor projects. The colour palette will match any existing decor you have and provide inspiration for you next paint project. I have found my new favourite paint!
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
5 out of 5 stars.
La crème de la crème
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Sico Prestige est une de mes révélations de l'année et l'année n'est pas encore terminée. En préparation de la peinture avant son application, elle avait crémeuse qui te donne envie de croquer là-dedans. Une vraie beauté. Elle se distingue entre autre par son odeur non envahissante, sa capacité de sécher rapidement, une résistance aux éraflures (même durant l'application sur le le mur), un fini premium qui rend le mur vraiment beau visuellement. Si j'avais d'autres pots Sico Premium avec d'autres couleurs, il est évident que je referai la peinture de toute ma maison.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
5 out of 5 stars.
Easy to use
2 years ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I got this paint as a trial. I wanted to paint my kitchen. I got the paint and opened to apply and I was surprised how well it looked. Usually paint you have to mix a lot in order for it to mix. When I was applying the first layer at corners with brush, I found it went on nice and thick and showed the colour well. It has very low vapour to it. When using the roller to apply the rest of it, it went on nice and easy. It’s dry time was very quick. The look of it was amazing with only one coat, I was surprised. I did noticed I missed a few spots, so touched up with a brush in those spots and the paint blended perfectly. No spots showing where I retouched up. Was very happy with this product and will buy again in the future.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
5 out of 5 stars.
Love this paint.. one coat
2 years ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I got this paint as a trial. I wanted to paint an acscent wall in my craft room. I got the paint and opened to apply and I was surprised how well it looked. Usually paint you have to mix a lot in order for it to mix. When I was applying the first layer at corners with brush, I found it went on nice and thick and showed the colour well. It has very low vapour to it. When using the roller to apply the rest of it, it went on nice and easy. It’s dry time was very quick. The look of it was amazing with only one coat, I was surprised. I did noticed I missed a few spots, so touched up with a brush in those spots and the paint blended perfectly. No spots showing where I retouched up. Was very happy with this product and will buy again in the future.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
5 out of 5 stars.
Sico Prestige Review
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Sico Prestige is one of the best interior paints I have ever used. It required little mixing, it went on smoothly and covering the entire room only took one coat. I went over the cut in twice, but otherwise very little touch-ups were necessary. I just sanded the walls, wiped them down and applied the Sico Prestige. No additional primer was needed. The final result also looks super smooth with no visible brush marks. I would definitely buy Sico Prestige for another interior paint job. My room looks like it was professionally painted.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age45 to 54
5 out of 5 stars.
Excellente peinture!!!
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) La peinture Sico Prestige est sans aucun doute une véritable trouvaille pour moi. Elle est très facile à appliquer, n'a pas d'odeur désagréable et sèche très rapidement. J'ai obtenu une couverture complète avec une seule couche. La peinture Sico Prestige est un choix fiable, durable et polyvalent pour vos projets de décoration intérieure. Je recommande la peinture Sico Prestige à tous ceux qui recherchent une peinture d'intérieur de haute qualité qui est facile à utiliser, offre une excellente couverture et un fini durable.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
5 out of 5 stars.
Only requires one coat!
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) We were very pleased to receive the sico prestige in the colour of our choice. It was very easy to apply with the provided roller ( which was great, it didnt soak up the paint or leave a strange line like others i have used did) The colour was exactly what i envisioned and the paint was true to the one coat word it said. Our room looks great and we are very happy with the pain we received. It was applied to a newly hung drywall so one coat was all we needed, im sure it would cover minor markings with the one coat as well.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age45 to 54
5 out of 5 stars.
Good coverage
2 years ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I used this in an office that is regularly being messed up. Animals in the house and kids and we really needed to freshen it up. The paint was nice and thick and 2 coats covered perfectly. We had left the windows and doors open the day I painted and a few mosquitoes got in. Without thinking my husband smacked one on the wall and it made a big mess. It cleaned up perfectly and you wouldn't even know it hadn't just been painted. It wipes clean and looks just as fresh as when we painted. We are really happy with the outcome.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age45 to 54
5 out of 5 stars.
Simplement parfaite
9 months ago
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] Cette peinture est parfaite pour un projet à terminer dans un court délai. Dès la première couche, nous pouvions déjà voir qu'une deuxième serait suffisante. Sans odeur incommodante, ni trop épaisse, ni trop liquide, elle s'étendait très bien. Le mur à couvrir avait été réparé à quelques endroits alors il y avait un peu de plâtre à couvrir. Ces réparations n'étaient déjà plus visibles à la première couche. Le résultat final est très réussi et nous sommes vraiment fiers de notre salon et de son nouveau mur accent.
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] J’ai trouvé les choix de couleurs très inspirants et difficile à choisir. Cette peinture sert d’apprêt donc si on respecte les conditions, une seule couche est nécessaire. Elle est super facile à appliquer, autant avec un pinceau et le rouleau. La peinture colle très bien au mur, elle n’est pas trop liquide et ne sent vraiment rien du tout lors de l’application. Elle n’a pas fait de bavure au pourtour ou j’avais utilisé le masking tape et elle a séché très rapidement. Je conseille vraiment. J’adore ce produit!
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] J’ai adoré travailler avec cette peinture car j’ai sauvé beaucoup de temps. La préparation est là même, il faut nettoyer la surface mais pas la suite je n’ai eu besoin d’aucun apprêt et seulement que d’une seule couche de peinture. Je n’en revient pas, moi qui a l’habitude de cette tâche à la maison et d’y passer la journée car il faut un minimum de 2 couches pouvant même aller jusqu’à 3. La couleur de base des murs étaient somme toute assez foncée mais UNE seule couche à suffit à la couvrir. Elle n’a pratiquement pas d’odeur et elle a une consistance ni trop claire ni trop épaisse ce qui fait moins de petites gouttelettes du au rouleau. Elle sèche aussi rapidement. J’ai adoré essayer ce produit et je le recommande. j’ai appliqué la couleur « eaux vives@ et elle est très jolie.
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] J'ai vraiment été surprise de la facilité d'application, de plus, aucune trace de démarcation après seulement une couche. Le pinceau fourni était vraiment de bonne qualite. Nous n'avons donné qu'une seule couche, ce qui me rends heureuse parce que je n'ai pas eu à donner de deuxième couche! La couleur est magnifique et unique. 30 minutes max et c'était fini! Nous avons accidentellement mis de la peinture sur le mur adjacent et même un coup un peu sèche elle s'est très bien enlevée avec un effacer magique
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Étant à la base quelqu'un qui n'aime pas particulièrement peinturer, j'ai complètement aimé mon expérience avec la peinture Sico Prestige. Tout d'abord, j'ai été agréablement surpris de constater que la peinture ne dégageais pas d'odeur comme nous sommes habitué d'avoir avec d'autres peintures. D'autant plus que la pièce que j'ai peinturé était petite, nous n'avons pas eu besoin d'aérer l'endroit plus qu'il le faut. Par la suite, lors de l'application, une seule couche de peinture à suffit pour couvrir les couleurs existantes et ce très facilement. De plus, la gamme de peinture semble offrir un vaste choix de couleur qui peut plaire à tous. Bien que le prix peut sembler élever, je considère que pour la qualité du produit cela est raisonnable. Je recommande la peinture Sico Prestige.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
4 out of 5 stars.
Goid quality paint/primer
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I thought it provided a good overall coverage. Using a good quality paint roller, the paint went on thick and smoothly. Esthetically the colour I chose was very nice. When it came to taking off the painters tape, only having one coat some of the paint peeled off, especially around smaller areas like the light switch and wall plug-in. Given the coverage it provided, I thought that it would have been a little tougher on fresh drywall and not peeled. Overall I'm still satisfied with this product.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
5 out of 5 stars.
A Paint that Works for You
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I recently used Sico Prestige paint for a home renovation project and couldn't be happier with the results. The paint applied easily, offering a smooth and even coat without much effort. One of the best features for me was the built-in primer. This meant I could use it straight out of the can, saving time and the hassle of applying a separate primer layer.
What impressed me was the paint's ability to cover stains effectively. Even stubborn marks were no match for Sico Prestige! Additionally, its resistance to scrubbing and scuffs makes it perfect for high-traffic areas in my home. I have kids and pets, so finding a paint that can withstand daily wear and tear was crucial. Sico Prestige delivered on all fronts, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a durable, high-quality paint.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
5 out of 5 stars.
Full coverage paint for any skill level
9 months ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I tried many paints over my life, but I was pleasantly surprised when I tried painting with this paint over my pale green walls. It didn’t require any priming or special mixing tools. It was creamy and easy to apply. It glided easy and painted evenly over my pale green walls. I didn’t even require second coat. It was as if I used an eraser. Once swipe and the color is gone. Gorgeous paint. No strong smell and dried within hours. My paint job was done over half the day. Definitely re-purchasing
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age45 to 54
5 out of 5 stars.
Wow a five star quality paint
2 years ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) We had a wall that we had to do some repair on ant put some new Gyproc . Usualy when we do so we have to use primer first. This time for the test we decided not to use primer and wow just one coat was enough to cover the wal and with a exceptionnal result. The paint drys really quickly and it was applied really fast ( see video). It was an easy project this paint is exceptionnal quality and makes painting fun again .
will definitly buy the Sico prestige for now on .
It was a great test to do
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
5 out of 5 stars.
Une des peintures qui couvrent le mieux
9 months ago
Nous avons utilisé la peinture Prestige de Sico avec l’effet coquille d’œuf et nous l’avons mis à rude épreuve. Elle a été appliquée sur un mur très sollicité par des manteaux accrochés au mur dans un salon de coiffure. Plusieurs personnes y ont frotté leur fermetures éclair ou s’y sont accotés dû au banc d’entré et le résultat est incroyable . Pratiquement pas de marques et lorsque celles-ci apparaissent , un léger linge humide les fait disparaître instantanément . L’application a été un charme , super couvrante et très belle couleur. Ma conjointe est artiste et l’utilise même dans le relooking de ses meubles. Je la recommande ! De plus comme la peinture a un réel pouvoir couvrant en une seule couche il nous est rester assez de peinture pour être en mesure de repeindre les pattes de la table de cuisine.
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I have to say I've tried alot of paint brands, and Sicco Prestige will now be my only choice of paint for my near future paint projects. I noticed the Platon lid apposed to a metal lip from other brands, and I have yo say I love it. It makes happy as I know I won't open the can again to rust around lid. While painting I noticed little to no odor. The paint was nice and smooth and consistent leaving a nice even coat while painting. While it was drying it dried patchy which made me ubeasy of final drying look. well to my surprise it dried nice and even. Ot did dry darker then expected, but I was ok with that. overall painting process was a breeze and I only needed 1 coat, and I thank Sicco Prestige for that. you want quality paint with an exceptional look choose Sicco Prestige you will not be disappointed.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age45 to 54
5 out of 5 stars.
Piece of Prestige!!
2 years ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) This Sico Prestige paint was the easiest paint job I have ever done. The gallon can was so light. It was easy to open. Easy to pour. The color was a spot on match to the color chart swatch. The brush and the roller easily grabbed the paint. It made easy to apply to the walls. It covers up finger print, years of them and a non removable stain. A very low to not smell and dries soooo fast. Even in eggshell the walls can be washed and don't need a repaint. I love this Sico paint!
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age45 to 54
3 out of 5 stars.
Sico Prestige paint
2 years ago
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Great colour, easy application, great cleanup, no odours while painting, and completely covering a different colour in one coat with just 1/2 gallon of paint. I was quite satisfied on the day of painting. However, after the paint dried, anytime the room was closed, I'd get a strong paint odour. Two weeks after painting, the windows were kept open all day and every day. Once the windows and door were closed for a few hours, we would get a strong paint odour like we've never experienced before with other paints. It is now past 3 weeks since the room was painted and the paint odour is still very strong! I won't use the remaining 1/2 gallon and will not buy this paint. Other paints I've bought have "Zero VOC" on the label, I don't see that label on this paint, I assumed that all paints would be Zero VOC by now.
No, I do not recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
3 out of 5 stars.
Excellente peinture mais fausse publicité
9 months ago
En tant qu'entrepreneur peintre, je peux dire que c'est un excellent produit. Je lui donne toutefois 3 étoiles à cause de la fausse publicité! Ça prend 2 couches pour avoir un fini parfait comme avec n'importe quelle autre peinture! C'est totalement faux de dire qu'une peinture s'applique en une seule couche et qu'on peut livrer un projet tel quel! D'ici est suicidaire de la publiciser comme ça. Les personnes mal intentionnées pourraient facilement poursuivre la compagnie.
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] J'ai eu la chance d'essayer de la peinture d'intérieur de Sico Prestige. J'ai adoré mon expérience! Je fais souvent des petits travaux dans la maison et je n'utilisait pas souvent des produits de bonne qualité. Je devais faire 2 ou 3 couches pour avoir un résultat... Correct. Avec celle de Sico, j'ai fait qu'une seule couche et l'opacité de la couleur m'as vraiment épater. L'étendre était simple et efficace. C'est décidément ma marque de confiance pour mes futurs projets.
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) This is good quality paint. I used it to paint my red wall which was a complete eyesore and it came out beautiful and looks professionally painted. I choose the color grey fin which is a nice light soft turquoise which didn't turn out too shiny or too matte, perfect for my daughters play room/dining room. It took me 1 1/2 hours total to paint my 156x103inch wall and only took 2 coats to cover the dark red completely which is very impressive. Painting was very easy with limited mess to clean up as it doesn't splat when rolling like most paints i've worked with in the past have. My roller was good quality and easy to work with but I must admit my paint brush was a little too heavy for my hand which made some areas difficult as I had a sore wrist. I give this paint a 10/10 and I hope to use it for future paint projects!
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age35 to 44
4 out of 5 stars.
Très satisfaits
2 years ago
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] C'était facile a appliquer avec les outils fournis. On a juste légèrement shake le pot et appliquer au rouleau et pinceau sans faire de dégâts. On a réussi a faire 2 mûrs de notre chambre et il en reste encore beaucoup! La couleur précédente était assez sombre donc on a dû mettre 2 couches quand même, mais on a économisé la couche de primer qu'on aurait dû appliquer avec une peinture classique. La couleur était pas pire aussi, vraiment très satisfaits !
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I was amazed at how well this paint covers in just one coat. My walls have many marks and bumps. We did patch and plaster some damage but the paint covered everything. I like the texture of the paint on the wall after it dries. I think it will stand up to marks and cleaning much better than the paint that was already there I will purchase this paint again to do other projects in my house. I was pleased with how easy it was to apply.
Yes, I recommend this product.
Originally posted on Home Tester Club
Age25 to 34
5 out of 5 stars.
Peinture Sico Prestige
9 months ago
[Cet avis a été recueilli dans le cadre d’une promotion.] J'adore cette peinture! La couleur est bien celle que j'ai choisi. Elle s'applique bien au rouleau et au pinceau. J'aime la texture qui recouvre bien l'ancienne et qui laisse un beau fini. Je n'ai pas eu besoin de faire plusieurs couches de peinture, malgré l'ancienne qui était très vive. J'ai aussi aimé le fait qu'elle ne dégage pas de fortes odeurs désagréables. Je recommande fortement, car c'est une bonne peinture qualité et prix.