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All Purpose Grass Seed
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All Purpose Grass Seed
By using this all-purpose lawn seed you will have fewer weeds.
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All purpose lawn seed.
• Formulated for Canadian lawns that receive a mix of sun and shade
• Better seed gives better grass
• For a longer, more sustainable lawn.
Brand | SCOTTS |
Gardening and Watering Type | Seeds |
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1 out of 5 stars.
a year ago
There are no expiration date on their packages I called Scotts customer service they finally told me where to look impossile to find unless you know where to look and hard to read the exp date was 2017 that was 6 years ago the store was still selling them probably they couldn't find the exp date either. I bought another brand with expiration date 2025 clearly labelled on the package this might explain poor or no results for so many who planted batch already expired. They lose 10% growth every year after expiration date. So glad I checked the date with them before planting the seeds I had 40 ft long trench to sow.
Originally posted on Scotts
Response from Scotts:
a year ago
Customer Care
We're sorry to read about your disappointment with Scotts Turf BUilder All Purpose Grass Seed and appreciate your feedback. The germination percentage of the seed can decline up to 5%-7% every year after it is packaged. The 8 digit Lot Code on the bags/container is how you can tell the year it was bagged. The year is the first 2 numbers on the lot code.
We want you to be confident in our products. For this reason, we offer a product guarantee to our consumers. At your earliest convenience, please reach out to us at 866-324-9192 if we can further assist.
5 out of 5 stars.
Follow Instructions
3 years ago
Don’t listen to the other reviews as they clearly did not follow the instructions on the bag. You cannot expect to throw down seed and have it grow without watering.
“WATERING IS CRUCIAL TO SEEDING SUCCESS. Keep the soil damp by watering twice daily for 6-8 weeks.”
I have used this for seeding new patches and overseeding and found I got quicker results than this (3-4 weeks). Once the grass sprouts you can lay-off the watering a bit and even fertilize for better results.
My lawn, properly maintained, with this grass is nicer that many golf course fairways I’ve been on.
Originally posted on Scotts
5 out of 5 stars.
Je n'ai plus de plaques dégarnies dans ma pelouse!
a year ago
J'ai acheté ces graines pour reverdir une pelouse très dégarnie avec plusieurs plaques de boue les jours de pluie. J'ai simplement aéré un peu le sol compacté et je n'ai même pas ajouté de terreau. J'ai semé les graines à la volée en arrosant abondamment à tous les jours et j'ai ajouté des graines à tous les 3-4 jours, pendant 3 semaines. Je n'ai plus de plaques de boue, tout est vert maintenant. Merci, tout a bien fonctionné malgré le manque de préparation.
Translate with GoogleOriginally posted on Scotts
1 out of 5 stars.
3 years ago
Bought 5kg bag of seed and used entire bag to patch lawn. 3 Weeks since I put seed down and NOTHING. Out of the huge bag I don't see any growth. All I'm doing is feed birds.
Waste money and waste of time prepping the ground. Now 3 weeks behind on my lawn while all the other lawns are starting to fill in. Coated seed worked the best but can't find anywhere.
Originally posted on Scotts
Response from Scotts:
3 years ago
Consumer Services
Dalc, we're sorry to hear Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed All-Purpose Mix didn't germinate for you. We'd like to gather some additional information and assist you with our product guarantee. Please reach out to us here:
1 out of 5 stars.
9 months ago
Il n'y a presque rien qui a poussé et la seule place où ça a poussé c'est du trèfle ! J'aurais mis mon argent sur une autre marque avoir su. On n'a pas beaucoup d'argent et on voulait avoir un peu de gazon dans la cours pour notre enfant.
Translate with GoogleOriginally posted on Scotts
Response from Scotts:
9 months ago
Customer Care
Nous sommes désolés de lire votre déception concernant le mélange tout usage de semences de gazon CAN Turf Builder et apprécions vos commentaires.
Nous voulons que vous ayez confiance en nos produits. C'est pour cette raison que nous offrons une garantie produit à nos consommateurs. Dans les meilleurs délais, veuillez nous contacter au 866-436-7645 si nous pouvons vous aider davantage.
Ontario, Canada
5 out of 5 stars.
Great product
3 years ago
I used this exact seed in both the front and back yard. I had a lot of dead spot and now my yard looks great. It definitely filled in the spots. Yes watering is important to grow anything!!
Originally posted on Scotts
1 out of 5 stars.
Waste of money do not bother
3 years ago
Bought 2 5kg bags to overseed my lawn and not a single seed produced grass. Save your money and don't buy this.
Originally posted on Scotts
Response from Scotts:
3 years ago
Consumer Services
jimmybobbers, we're sorry to hear Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed All-Purpose Mix didn't germinate for you. For best results, day and nighttime temperatures should be consistently between 18-27 degrees. Contact us here for assistance with our product guarantee:
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