Vegetables and herbs

Parsley: maintenance tips

A low, rosette-growing plant whose cut foliage is renowned for its distinctive flavour.

Maintenance tips: ParsleyMaintenance tips: Parsley

Common name: Parsley


Prefers full sun, but tolerates part shade.


Must be well watered, especially in hot weather.


Prefers fertile soil rich in organic matter. A slightly acid pH is recommended.


Fertilize in summer with an all-purpose fertilizer.


We harvest the leaves as needed throughout the season. It's better to harvest the leaves one by one than to tear off a bunch.

Availability may vary by store.

Care products for vegetables and herbs

Tools for a thriving garden

Image for informational purposes only. Size, colour and variety of plants shown may vary from store to store. The information in this article is intended as a guide only and may not apply to certain situations. If you have any questions, contact a BMR expert in your area.