How to keep rodents out of your house in the fall

Mice and rats are looking for a place to hole up before winter comes, and they can use incredible ingenuity to get inside cottages, trailers and even homes. They may be cute, but these small animals can do big damage. Here are a few tips for driving rodents out of your house or preventing them from getting in to begin with.

Why is it dangerous to have rodents in your house?

Essentially, rodents chew just about everything—plastic, fabric, wood, etc. In addition to damaging your belongings, they can carry viruses and other diseases. So, it’s important to be vigilant.

What are the signs that you have rodents in your house?

  • Scratching noises coming from the walls
  • Excrement (about the size of a grain of rice)
  • Chewed cords
  • Unusual behaviour in your pets

So, you might have a mouse in the house. There’s no need to panic! There are a variety of effective solutions available to suit your needs.

How do you get rid of rodents?

Identify possible entry sources

Above all, you should try to prevent them from getting into your house in the first place. All it takes is a tiny crack to let rodents in. When fall comes around, do a sweep of your house to identify any potential openings, such as cracks in the foundation or a poorly installed dryer outlet. Get rid of places around your house where rodents can hide.

Install mouse traps

You can also use mouse traps, like the Victor Quick Kill, which can be loaded with different bait depending on the type of rodent. Another option is applying the Wilson Mouse Out, a corn cellulose-based rodenticide that is safe for kids and pets.

Keep rodents away with an electronic sound repellent

Ultrasonic rodent repellers are another good alternative to consider. These devices emit ultrasonic waves that disturb the pests, causing them to run away from the noise. Though uncomfortable for rodents, the waves are inaudible to humans and other animals. This makes them a great way to safely keep your home rodent-free.

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